
Grzegorz Chyra

Profil wykładowcy

Lektor języka angielskiego.

WORK HISTORY Freelance ESL Teacher – Warszawa MAR 2017 – MAY 2021

  • Tailored lesson plans to accommodate differences in learning styles and speeds.
  • Combined students’ personal interests with lesson objectives to create student-specific activities.
  • Educated students in English grammar and conversational speaking.
  • Used Microsoft Word and other software tools to create documents and other communications.ESL Teacher – SuperMemo World, Poznań MAR 2007 – MAY 2017
  • Performed data entry to input student grades and attendance records with SuperMemo.net
  • Evaluated student progress to offer recommendations for further development.
  • Developed activities and integrated technology to diversify learning.ESL Teacher – Centrum Językowe IDEA, Poznań SEP 2006 – MAY 2007
  • Planned and implemented lessons to positively increase vocabulary and sentence structure skills.
  • Evaluated student progress to offer recommendations for further development.
  • Developed teaching materials to supplement standard curriculum, enhancing learning concepts and promoting student engagement.
  • Provided supportive, nurturing learning environment to encourage student responsibility.
  • Taught classes daily with advanced, beginner and intermediate levels of students.


• Computer software knowledge.

• Communication.

• Creativity.

• Maintaining work-life balance.


University of Warmia And Mazury, Olsztyn
M.A in English Philology, Elements of film language.

JUN 2011

Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń
B.A. in English Philology, Teaching English As a Second Language (ESL)

JUN 2001





Kierunki wykładowcy

CineLingo ENG-DE

Kurs języka angielskiego i niemieckiego dla mało i średniozaawansowanych, umożliwiający poznanie branżowej nomen...

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